Sunday, November 29, 2009

sleeping babies make me smile :o)

Huck and I now frequently take our afternoon naps on my bed - which means he nurses until he falls asleep and I work on the computer until he falls asleep and then try to quietly slip out of the bed. By the way, this rarely works as the minute I move, I inevitably knock something over or kick something noisy or elbow him (I'm a total klutz) or, like today, I get to a sitting position and he cracks one eye and looks at me like, "What do you think you're doing?" I then proceed to start laughing which shakes the bed and makes him smile. But thankfully today, he did go back to sleep. :o)

Now, if only I didn't have to wake him up to go to handbell practice. :o/

I love Christmas music...

I must admit, I am one of those semi-annoying people who blasts Christmas music on their car stereo in October. I just can't help it! I absolutely LOVE Christmas music - Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Karen Carpenter - they all just have the perfect voices to listen while you're drinking hot chocolate and sitting in front of a fire. I really do love pretty much all Christmas music. The only ones I don't care for are songs like "Christmas Shoes" (which is depressing to me) and "Same Old Lang Syne" (which is also depressing and not about Christmas). These songs just don't fit the mood of the season. Huck also enjoys Christmas music - especially when I dance around with him while singing "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree." We watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" yesterday and are planning to watch "White Christmas" repeatedly before the end of the year. Huck really enjoys music, in general. I'm glad because I think it is important to pass on to your children the things that are important to you. I can't think of two better things than Christ and music, which is probably why I like Christmas music so much. :o)