So, I just recently decided that we needed a blog in order for everyone who is not on facebook to be able to keep up with us. We both have our own individual blogs from college, but we don't keep up with them much these days. And since there is a new little Brantly on the way, I thought it would be good to have somewhere to post pictures and things. I hope that we can keep this up wherever in the world we happen to be and that it will be a good way for everyone to keep up and communicate with us.
For those to whom we haven't spoken in a while, we are living in Mount Sterling, Kentucky - about 30 miles east of Lexington. Sid is a flight instructor/fire patrol pilot/mechanic trainee at the airport. I am babysitting 17 month old twins, working on my masters in teaching, and preparing for the arrival of our son in June.
So that's it - our first blog. I've attached a picture of our apartment in Kentucky where we're living now. Our place is the one on the right.