Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's "not me" Monday and on that note, I most certainly DID NOT contemplate putting a child out on the porch in the snow and rain after 1 and 1/2 hours of non-stop screaming. After said child fell asleep, I DID NOT feel the need to eat something really sweet to calm myself. Consequently, I DID NOT make myself a chocolate cake in a mug in the microwave because I had no cookies.

Nope, that could not have been me. And I AM NOT contemplating making another one and sitting at the computer all afternoon while I should be cleaning and packing. :o)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

sleeping babies make me smile :o)

Huck and I now frequently take our afternoon naps on my bed - which means he nurses until he falls asleep and I work on the computer until he falls asleep and then try to quietly slip out of the bed. By the way, this rarely works as the minute I move, I inevitably knock something over or kick something noisy or elbow him (I'm a total klutz) or, like today, I get to a sitting position and he cracks one eye and looks at me like, "What do you think you're doing?" I then proceed to start laughing which shakes the bed and makes him smile. But thankfully today, he did go back to sleep. :o)

Now, if only I didn't have to wake him up to go to handbell practice. :o/

I love Christmas music...

I must admit, I am one of those semi-annoying people who blasts Christmas music on their car stereo in October. I just can't help it! I absolutely LOVE Christmas music - Bing Crosby, Perry Como, Karen Carpenter - they all just have the perfect voices to listen while you're drinking hot chocolate and sitting in front of a fire. I really do love pretty much all Christmas music. The only ones I don't care for are songs like "Christmas Shoes" (which is depressing to me) and "Same Old Lang Syne" (which is also depressing and not about Christmas). These songs just don't fit the mood of the season. Huck also enjoys Christmas music - especially when I dance around with him while singing "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree." We watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" yesterday and are planning to watch "White Christmas" repeatedly before the end of the year. Huck really enjoys music, in general. I'm glad because I think it is important to pass on to your children the things that are important to you. I can't think of two better things than Christ and music, which is probably why I like Christmas music so much. :o)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

he's here!!!

Ok, so I thought it would be easy to blog when the baby came and I had things to write about....who was I kidding?!?!'s enough work just to survive the day! the updates are:

Our precious little boy - Charles Huckleberry "Huck" Brantly was born June 13, 2009 at 6:00 pm after 18 hours of labor...we chose the name Charles after my stepfather who died just 4 days before Huck was born.

We are so enjoying introducing Huck to the world...he is so curious about EVERYTHING...he loves a crowd and praise and worship music...he hates lying down or riding in the carseat and would prefer to be either standing up or riding facing out in a carrier...he is taken with blonds and little girls and is already pretty good at flirting with them :o)...we are trying to be good parents and teach him important things - like how to do laudry...
how to make friends...
how to be musical...

and how to say "War Eagle!!!"...
Huck rolled over for the first time today - Sid and I cheered, of course, but he seemed to think it was no big deal. I had alot of trouble with gallstones during prenancy so I had my gallbladder removed this week - which was a very simple procedure and one I was very glad to have done. Sid has spent the week working on building an airplane that he designed. In fact, even as I type this, he is downstairs determined to finish it and go to work early tomorrow to test it's flying capabilities. (I'll try to post video when I get some). We are getting used to functioning on little sleep as our little guy is not sleeping well yet. (He is currently in his swing fighting falling asleep despite the fact that he is warm and full.) I, myself, am welcoming the idea of going to sleep as I hope to get up and go to the gym in the morning because with breastfeeding and the pregnancy weight lingering on my hips, my wearable wardrobe has gotten very small and with football season right around the corner, I really need to be able to comfortably fit into my Auburn clothes so I can proudly display my Auburn spirit in UK country. :o)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

not so good at blogging

So, since I have facebook now, I'm probably one of the worst bloggers. In fact, if you're even reading this, you've probably come across it accidentally as I'm not sure I've even told anyone except for Sid that we even have a blog!

Baby Brantly is expected any day now and I hope that after he is born, I will be better at posting in order to keep our families and friends updated with what is going on. I look forward to putting up pictures and such. Until then, you are all welcome to look over our individual blogs from college. ( and There is the story of our engagement (October 2006) and various other things on there, so enjoy! Meanwhile, here is a picture of baby's nursery - newly finished.!

Friday, March 6, 2009

So, I just recently decided that we needed a blog in order for everyone who is not on facebook to be able to keep up with us. We both have our own individual blogs from college, but we don't keep up with them much these days. And since there is a new little Brantly on the way, I thought it would be good to have somewhere to post pictures and things. I hope that we can keep this up wherever in the world we happen to be and that it will be a good way for everyone to keep up and communicate with us.
For those to whom we haven't spoken in a while, we are living in Mount Sterling, Kentucky - about 30 miles east of Lexington. Sid is a flight instructor/fire patrol pilot/mechanic trainee at the airport. I am babysitting 17 month old twins, working on my masters in teaching, and preparing for the arrival of our son in June.
So that's it - our first blog. I've attached a picture of our apartment in Kentucky where we're living now. Our place is the one on the right.